Go Red Friday! & Go Red Sunday! And FREE Faith Tool kit
The International Health Commission of the AME Church in partnership with the American Heart Association encourages all Episcopal Districts and all Churches to host a Go Red Friday during your Founder’s Day Meetings and a Go Red Sunday!
Wear Red Friday during Founder’s Day and Wear Red on a Sunday in February (Select a Sunday in February).
Provide and/or promote healthy snacks and beverages
Promote Smoking cessation
Provide or watch online AHA Hands Only CPR instructions
Invite your local AHA office to your Founder’s Day or Church
Conduct Blood Pressure screenings
Find More Information, Click Here
Download Tool Kit Here
Bishop Harry L. Seawright, International Health Commission Chair
Reverend Natalie Mitchem, Executive Director of International Health Commission
Reverend Dr. Miriam Burnett, Medical Director of International Health Commission