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July is Faith Based Health, Wellness, Nutrition & Fitness Month! August is Clergy and Clergy Family Wellness Month! A “Wellness Vacation”
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July is Faith Based Health, Wellness, Nutrition & Fitness Month! August is Clergy and Clergy Family Wellness Month! A “Wellness Vacation”

The International Health Commission of the AME Church invites everyone to take a “Wellness Vacation in July and August”. Eight (8) years ago The International Health Commission of the AME Church established July as Faith Based Health, Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Month and August as Clergy and Clergy Family Wellness Month. Over the eight (8) years the following partners American Heart Association, Association of Black Cardiologist, Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN), American Cancer Society and Heart&Soul Magazine have participated and supported the July and August Wellness promotion and events.

Summer time is the time for vacations. This year we invite everyone to plan and take a “Wellness Vacation”. Too often we think of wellness, fitness and healthy food choices as difficult or hard to maintain. However, the word of God teaches that we can renew ourselves in mind, body and spirit. Ephesians 4:23 informs us that what we think about fitness, smoking cessation, healthy food and rest can be a change for the better if we refuse to be “conformed to the pattern of the world” Romans 12:2. Your “Wellness Vacation” can prepare for you any changes in Obamacare. It is a proven fact that making healthy choices can improve one’s health. When you improve your health you can reduce your need for certain medications. Instead of multiple doctor visits, you can make it an annual doctor visit where you and your doctor partner together on this wellness journey.

Make your “Wellness Vacation” fun. That starts with the right mind set. Jesus asked the man at the well, do you want to be made whole? Make food choices fun, instead salt use spices. Instead fatty fried foods try stir-fry meals, Indian food, sauté food and other new ways to cook and enjoy your favorite foods. As a Christian you have given up a lot and made a lot of changes for Christ and your well-being. You can make changes in what you eat every day for your health and well-being. Make fitness fun try hula hoop, dancing, skating, walking, yoga. golf, swimming, chair exercising or bowling. In July and August include activities that require movement. Get some rest. Proper rest and sleep are important to fight disease and promote wellness for your mind, body and spirit.

In addition to the “Wellness Vacation” we invite all Episcopal Districts, Presiding Elder Districts, Churches and Communities to host and plan a Wellness Weekend Saturday, July 29, 2017 to Sunday, July 30, 2017. During that weekend plan events, forums or information sessions, outdoor fitness, indoor fitness, stress reduction classes, mental health wellness sessions, nutrition classes, health and wellness classes and a sermon on Wellness. Visit our website and sign up to start a M.W.W.= Men Walking For Wellness Group or Girl Trek a walking program for women, enroll in Text4Wellness and view the variety of wellness information available on In August, Clergy and Clergy families are encouraged to spend quality time together along with taking a “Wellness Vacation.”
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