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Saint Patrick's Episcopal Church, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Ronald O'Neal
/ Categories: AME Scouts, Boy Scouts

Saint Patrick's Episcopal Church, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147

About Us

In July of 1909, the Bishop of Colorado, the Right Reverend Spalding, believed that Pagosa Springs held promise for an Episcopal Church. He persuaded a Mr. Fielding to come and hold services. In July 1910, the Rev. Beede arrived to start a church. As time went on, the church in Pagosa became a mission of St. Mark’s in Durango, and once a month a priest would come to hold services in homes, public buildings, and in the Methodist church. In October 1968, ground was broken at the corner of Lewis and Second Streets for St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church. The first services in the new church were held December 24, 1968 and the church was consecrated on November 10, 1970.

During the years that followed, many clergy served St. Patrick’s. When you go into the Parish Hall, you can see their photographs on the wall.

The small church continued to grow. In the early days the men and the women of the parish took care of their new church, doing all necessary work. During the 1990’s, the congregation grew steadily and was becoming increasingly self-sufficient. In October 1998, St. Patrick’s became a Parish.

As the Parish began to out-grow its building, meetings were held to investigate the need to expand. Out of these meetings came the decision to build a new church. With donated land on South Pagosa Boulevard, and the sale of the building on Lewis Street on July 2, 2001, St. Patrick’s moved to the barn of Bob and Mary Hart and this building became known as St. Patrick’s in the Pines. Ground was broken for the present church on March 17, 2002 and the dedication of the new building was November 23, 2003.

With Fr. Doug Neel as our rector, we continue to work to make St. Patrick’s God’s Church for God’s People – with our faith, prayers, outreach, and love.

Boy Scout Crew 0612

Chartered Organization Representative: Charles Bankhead  [email protected]
Venturing Crew Advisor: John Moore

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