Ronald O'Neal / Thursday, June 22, 2017 / Categories: AME Scouts, Boy Scouts Park United Methodist Church, Coudersport, PA 16915 About Us Methodists have been active in Coudersport since 1831 when the circuit riders came and organized the first class meeting. Our first building was constructed in the early 1850’s and used until 1893 when our current building was built. We added an Education Building in 1983; where our Park’s Ark Nursery School has been meeting since 1986. We also sponsor Boy Scouts, and host Girl Scouts, AA, and Potter County Human Services groups throughout the week. We continue to serve Coudersport with worship, music, Bible studies, Vacation Bible School and support outreach activities like the Coudersport Food Bank, Senior Center, Potter County Habitat for Humanity and others. Our goal has been and will continue to be to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Boy Scout Troop 0536 Scoutmaster: Gerald Bailey [email protected] CubMaster: Chartered Organization Representative: Michael Delp [email protected] Chartered Organization Representative: Venturing Crew Advisor: Print 2700 Rate this article: No rating DistrictTHIRD DISTRICTScout Group TypeBoy Scout Troop Please login or register to post comments.