St. Paul United Methodist Church, Pleasantville, IA 50225 St. Paul United Methodist Church, Pleasantville, IA 50225 Thursday, June 22, 2017 0 2981 About Us The United Methodist Church is an 11-million-strong global church that opens hearts, opens doors and opens minds through active engagement with our world.
Valley United Methodist Church, West Des Moines, IA 50265 Valley United Methodist Church, West Des Moines, IA 50265 Thursday, June 22, 2017 0 3247 About Us A covenant people dedicated to God's work; community dedicated to making disciples for Jesus Christ; a congregation making a solemn promise to God and the congregation to uphold the church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service; a diverse community with open hearts, open minds and open doors.
Greenstone United Methodist Church, Chicago, IL 60628 Greenstone United Methodist Church, Chicago, IL 60628 About Us 1879 George M. Pullman purchases 4,000 acres of land south of Chicago - only 600 acres were used for building the factories and the... Thursday, June 22, 2017 0 3089
Greater Walters African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Chicago, IL 60620 Greater Walters African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Chicago, IL 60620 About Us The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church professes the historical faith in God, who by Himself – outpouring, was manifest... Thursday, June 22, 2017 0 4208
Shiloh AME Church, East Saint Louis, IL 62207 Shiloh AME Church, East Saint Louis, IL 62207 About Us The African Methodist Episcopal Church has rejected the negative theological interpretations which rendered persons of African descent... Thursday, June 22, 2017 0 3757
Dupage AME Church, Lisle, IL 60532 Dupage AME Church, Lisle, IL 60532 About Us In 1963, Brother Syd Finley made an informal appeal to Bishop Joseph Gomez, the then presiding prelate, to establish an African... Thursday, June 22, 2017 0 3468
Allen Chapel AME Church, Rockford, IL 61102 Allen Chapel AME Church, Rockford, IL 61102 About Us Thursday, June 22, 2017 0 4223
Breden Memorial United Methodist Church, Terre Haute, IL 47802 Breden Memorial United Methodist Church, Terre Haute, IL 47802 About Us Wesley and the early Methodists were particularly concerned about inviting people to experience God's grace and to grow in... Thursday, June 22, 2017 0 2973
St. Lukes AME Church, Lawrence, KS 66044 Thursday, June 22, 2017 St. Lukes AME Church, Lawrence, KS 66044 About Us Saint Luke African Methodist Episcopal Church is a historic church at 900 New York Street in Lawrence, Kansas, United States. It was built in 1910 and added to the National Register in 2005.
Lane Chapel CME, Shreveport, LA 71103 Thursday, June 22, 2017 Lane Chapel CME, Shreveport, LA 71103 About Us Lane Chapel CME Church Shreveport is a Christian congregation serving the Shreveport community and seeking, engaging, and encouraging others through a life-changing Christian journey.
Saint Peters United Methodist Church, Topeka, KS 66618 Thursday, June 22, 2017 Saint Peters United Methodist Church, Topeka, KS 66618 About Us Thank you for visiting. You are always welcome. The United Methodist Church has many doors through which people share in serving God and others. Whether you visit in person or online, we hope you discover something here to encourage you in your spiritual journey.
Greater Mt. Nebo AME Church, Bowie, MD 20716 Thursday, June 22, 2017 Greater Mt. Nebo AME Church, Bowie, MD 20716 About Us The Mt. Nebo African Methodist Episcopal Church was founded on June 8, 1877 under the pastorate of Rev. N. Gray, as part of a circuit that included Galilee AME church in Anne Arundel County. The first sanctuary was built by three trustees, Richard Wood, George Larkins, and Wilson Turner, who purchased a one-acre tract of land in the “Popular Ridge”...
Ebenezer AME Church, Ft Washington, MD 20744 Thursday, June 22, 2017 Ebenezer AME Church, Ft Washington, MD 20744 About Us The history of Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church is one rooted in faith. Since moving from the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, DC to Fort Washington, Maryland in 1983, the church has taken many steps of faith, and God has blessed it exceedingly and abundantly. It is a tremendous story of hope. Some people call it “The Miracle on Allentown...
Reid Temple AME Church, Glenn Dale, MD 20769 Thursday, June 22, 2017 Reid Temple AME Church, Glenn Dale, MD 20769 About Us Reid Temple is a growing community of faith with three campuses in Glenn Dale and Silver Spring, Maryland, and our newest location which worships at New Bethany Baptist Church in Washington, DC, and a combined membership of well over 17,000 persons.
Thursday, June 22, 2017 Zion United Methodist Church, Salisbury, MD 21804 About Us Worship is God-centered and informal with music including key board, solos, and The Men of Zion! We are an active, praying congregation committed to serving God in the world with our hands, our hearts and our resources!