General Volunteer Registration and Healthcare Professionals Volunteer... General Volunteer Registration and Healthcare Professionals Volunteer... Sunday, July 10, 2016 0 2982 Are you a medical professional? Or perhaps you speak a second language? Or know how to operate a backhoe? These and other skills are in need in times of crisis. If you have skills and/or knowledge that can be of use in the aftermath of a disaster, and want to help, please register your information with the AME Service And Development Agency (AME-SADA) and the AMEC Connectional Health Commission:
General Conference Health Commission Survey 2016 General Conference Health Commission Survey 2016 Sunday, July 10, 2016 0 0 Thank you in advance for completing the General Conference Health Commission Survey 2016! The information collected will be used for research and to refine the work of the Health Commission. Rest assured that your information will be protected. This instrument allows you to remain anonymous and the data will be examined without the use of...
July National Health Observances July National Health Observances National Health Observances. National Health Observances (NHOs) are special days, weeks, or months dedicated to raising awareness about important... 7/1/2016 - 8/1/2016 0 2940
The General Conference is the supreme body of the African Methodist... The General Conference is the supreme body of the African Methodist... 7/3/2016 0 2175